Band The Templars
Album 1118-1312 [EP]
Year 1998
Location New York
Myspace www.myspace.com/thetemplars
This has become one of my favorite cd's as of late. But let me clear up a few things to anyone who has seen The Davinci Code or read the book would probably know the templar knights are the group who protected travelers on in certain areas of Europe as well as keeping the secrets of the "Holy Grail" or as it is depicted in above stated movie, the bloodline of Christ. the dates are when they are said to existed.
Anyways This is an awesome album the only one I have at the moment so I'll be lookin for their other work soon.
1. D.M.U.
2. Land of the Morning Calm
3. Skins and Punks
4. Glory It Once Was
5. Shades of Grey
6. Chansons de Geste
7. Police Informer [Live]
8. War on the Streets [Live]
9. Just Another Rebel [Live]
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Every Templars record is amazing!